The Germany versus Costa Rica game starts in about 6:00 minutes.
I was happy to discover that Comcast decided to add ESPN2-HD at the last minute so all the World Cup games are going to be in HD. Soccer in High Definition is absolutely amazing.
I'm honestly not sure who to root for in this first game. I've always been a fan of Germany since it was when I lived in Germany that I learned to love the sport. But I like Costa Rica.
In any case, game on!
I was happy to discover that Comcast decided to add ESPN2-HD at the last minute so all the World Cup games are going to be in HD. Soccer in High Definition is absolutely amazing.
I'm honestly not sure who to root for in this first game. I've always been a fan of Germany since it was when I lived in Germany that I learned to love the sport. But I like Costa Rica.
In any case, game on!
At 1:07 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey der Mikeeee you soccer hooligan...
Work is so quiet today... hmmm... neither Mike is here? Ahhhh.... that splains it.
Still looking forward to that first drunken blog post.
At 3:39 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Mike,
just got home from watching the game at on a giant screen at a gay bar here in Cologne (only place you could still get seat, but you should see how crowded the place is during figure skating championships). Great game, but the German defense needs some work, I think. And that one Costa Rican goal was way offside! We all saw it on TV, and the umpire and his assistant (or shall I abbreviate that to "ass") didn't see it? They should not umpire another game unless they're given seeing-eye dogs! Hope you two are having a great time - I've got a US flag hanging off my balcony to set a pretty rose between the thorns of all the German flags hanging here ;-)
At 3:59 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Mike and Jan,
I hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip...Relax, have some fun, maybe take sometime to catch a soccer game or three.
At 5:22 PM ,
Anonymous said...
time to update your blog! I hope you find an internet cafe with wireless real soon. I'm really interested to hear about your experiences here in Germany.
Let's hope the U.S. team does better (much better) tomorrow. I'm going to the pub next to where I work - the owner is Italian, so you know where the sympathies lie there. But I've got a bunch of German friends supporting me (i.e. U.S. team), have printed out our national anthem for them so I won't have to sing it alone like I did last time (Mariah Carey I am not). Let's hope for the best! Hope you guys enjoy the game no matter what the score and hope your friend gets better real soon.
At 1:18 PM ,
Anonymous said...
What the hell are you doing?
Sausage and beer?
Sorry to hear about the games
we watched Ghana and US at work.
bummer, Big V is at home Monday
so safe 4 U to come to work.
If you have not burnt Urself out
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